Seasoning Salt


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ignorance vs Apathy

I have been noticing that I have lost interest in discussing my points of view with people.
It’s kind of strange, because I used to offer my thoughts whenever I saw an opening.
Now, I just couldn’t be bothered.


It’s not that I don’t have views and opinions on things - quite the opposite. Lately I’ve broadened my view and looked into quite a lot of things I wasn’t exposed to before.
I just have no desire to broadcast my thoughts to people when I hear them offering their opinions on something.

In my mind, it just seems like it would be wasted effort and I just don’t want to take the time to explain my thoughts or direct anyone to information that offers different points of view.
Seems like it’s just a waste of time all of a sudden, and I really couldn’t be bothered.

Example: I heard a lady I know fairly well yesterday refer to the Muslim religion as totally ridiculous and the reason for 9/11 and all that has transpired in the world since.

Ignorance at it’s finest.

I just sat there and quietly boiled while I listened to this drivel come out of her mouth.
As my brain went into overdrive trying to process what I just heard and how to articulate an opposing point of view in the calmest way possible, something in me just said DON’T BOTHER -

I don’t know if this is a good thing or not.
On the one hand, I am really starting to embrace the live and let live creed, but on the other hand, ignorance and bias can’t be lessened if people don’t offer different ideas about things.
That’s supposed to be the point of human communication - the sharing of thoughts and ideas, right?

I dunno.

I spend a lot of time reading and researching things because I am a generally curious person by nature, and I also like to be somewhat aware of all views on a topic before I form an opinion.
Because of this, I’ve always been pretty willing to engage in a convo about various points of view on a topic. I respected what others said and got respect in return for the most part.

Lately though, I find that the respect I normally have for other people has been wearing thin when I hear an ignorant or one sided remark
And instead of offering someone another point of view or telling them about books or research info on the net to broaden their opinions, I say nothing.

I just feel a sinking inside and think to myself that the world really is an effed up place.
And I’m not usually one for apathy, but there it is.

Hope I’m not just getting bitter with age…


  • People like that lady make me sooo mad! All the "wise" remarks about Islam are so ignorant.
    However, she probly grew up with a family of people, who couldn't be bothered to explain to her that she needs to research and find the truth. We are all shaped by our past - good or bad.
    When do we take responsibility for our own person and break the mindset of our past lives? At least Canada is better than US in terms of ignorance. Right wing, religious pro-Bush society is what I live in at the moment. There is no way to explain the truth - the truth is changed here.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:08 AM  

  • You gotta keep banging the drum, D. If you allow people to keep talking and never listen, they will NEVER learn anything. I admit I tend to hesitate in these situations too, not because I feel meek, but mostly because if it's on a subject I am not completely up-to-speed on, that I won't be able to present a convincing argument. I know how you feel though -- how do you convince so many ignoramuses that their perspective of the world is flawed, wrong, regressive? Frick. I don't know what to do anymore. As you get older, you just get more tired from continually having to fight the good fight.

    By Blogger MB, at 8:07 PM  

  • Amen to that Reid.
    Tired of fighting the good fight - that is exactly it.

    By Blogger Comfortable Chaos, at 7:12 AM  

  • I think that being a minority ourselves, it has opened our minds to realize that there are many different ways to live in the world,different customs, religions, and the list goes on. Most people do not have lives that challenge any of their beliefs etc. and form a blind ignorance to everything else. I feel it's our hurdle, as a minority, to say "Whoa there, lets look at the WHOLE picture here shall we?" Most respectable people will listen and perhaps form different opinions once they have been enlightened. For those that don't, well all I can say is what comes around, goes around and it may not be in this lifetime, but I bet my life that you will have the same problems facing you each life that you live until you get it right...I personally think we have the upper hand here being able the view the world and it's structure of cultures in a different light to those that don't.

    By Blogger Jeff Skybar, at 12:31 PM  

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