Seasoning Salt


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Goin On Up To The Fish Tank in the Sky

Well my favorite fish died this morning before work and I’m all bummed.

She was a medium sized white angel fish with blush cheeks, and was the first fish I bought when Sandy got me an aquarium as a gift about 4 years ago.
She had quite the little personality.

Highlights of her life included:

- Greeting me with furious tale wags and head bobbing every time I came home - (probably because she equated my presence with food).

- Laying eggs and then promptly eating them all every 2 weeks for about 6 months during the 3rd year of her life. Seemed like a lot of wasted effort.

- Gouging out her male counterparts eyes rendering him blind in a lovers spat. He’s still alive and kicking, but blind as a bat.

- Generally making her queen biatch status known to all others in the tank - especially new comers.

- How quickly she learned that “the net” meant it was time out (lol) whenever she was harassing the other fish in the tank.

- How she made out like she hadn’t eaten in months every time I fed her. She was all about the gluttony I tells ya.


She hadn’t been doing well for the last couple of weeks, just being really lethargic and having no interest in food at all.
Last night she began laying on her tail/side in the corner of the tank, breathing really rapidly. I was freaking out all night cuz I figured she was suffering and/or in pain. Then before bed, I got all sad and realized how much I’d miss her and her little attitude.

This morning, she was barely moving before my shower, and stopped breathing altogether by the time I had to leave for work.
So I took her out of the tank, wrapped her in some paper towel, put her in a Ziploc bag, and brought her to work with me.
She’s sitting on my desk right now.

Hahahahahaha. As if.

No, I tossed her in the trash bin on my way out, and that was that.


I will miss my little buddy.

In other news, I have a sushi lunch date today with some co-workers that I am totally salivating over. How ironical.
We’re gonna hork like its 4 BC in T-minus 2.5 hours and I am totally excited. I haven’t had sushi in eons.

As for feeling guilty about eating fish on the day my fish passed away, I am trying not to.
I’m sure my fish friend would want me to be happy - if that means getting all Genghis Kahn over a sushi boat and tempura, so be it.

Float on my friend, float on.


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