Seasoning Salt


Monday, March 19, 2007

Pump Up The Jam

What exactly is it that makes male co-workers in the office think that all women are masters of the photocopier?
For serious.
I’ve been noticing this disturbing trend for the last couple of weeks, and for the life of me, I can’t figure it out.
And I am not trying to be sexist or typecast a gender here – but I swear; 99% of the time it’s the guys.

Me or any other female staff member can be casually walking by, cutting through the copy room, on our way to a meeting, talking to a client, juggling razor sharp shinto knives, putting out a fire, taming rabid dogs, etc.
Whatever the situation is, it’s always "Ummmm - ‘scuse me, I have a paper jam in B4."
Ummm…that’s nice? I have indigestion.

Do I have a sign on my back that says Xerox technician?
Didn’t think so.

I’ll help anyone who genuinely needs it, but like come ON people. The LCD on the copiers in our office show step by step instructions on where the jam is and how to get it out. It’s pretty much idiot proof. Or so I thought.

These guys are technicians and engineers. If they can’t clear a paper jam from B4, A1, or any other orifice in the machine, then I really begin to wonder if we should all be worried about the safety of our gas plants, high rise buildings, and roadways.
They do design them after all.

Maybe they’re just not interested in having to lower themselves to such meager tasks that us female peons are traditionally ‘supposed’ to be there to take care of.
News flash though – not all of the girls in the office are admin in this day and age. A lot of us are right up there in the same ranks as the alpha males, and as such, deserve a little common courtesy and respect.

Hence, when I am obviously walking by with my hands full of business on my way to see someone, don’t grunt and go "guuuhhh…there’s A PAPER JAM IN b4!!!"
One might be a bit more responsive and willing to help if they got a please or thank you.

It just irritates me to no end that these people expect that you have nothing better to do than assist them with every complaint and whim.
Shit. When I have a paper jam or error, I read the INSTRUCTIONS blinking up in electric blue font right in front of me on the machine and follow the steps to fix the problem.
Seems to work pretty well.

Anyways. Back to my observation.

I have consistently noticed that when another man happens to walk by in the midst of the paper jam cussing and confusion, the cry for help is non existent. That’s when I’ve noticed the helpless male subject actually start reading the LCD prompts on the copier and/or opening the machine to see where the problem lies.
There’s grumbling, but no cry for help.

Once a female walks by though, totally different story.
It’s all "Oooooooohhh Nooooooo!! Whatever will I DO??? This machine hates me, it’s evil, it’s eaten my report!! THERE’S A PAPER JAAAAM!!!"

And for the most part, the woman will stop what they’re doing and help until it’s solved.

I mean will take control by reading the instructions on the machine and then systematically resolving the situation, step by step.
For the most part, the male steps back, or in some cases, will walk away altogether.

My question is why?

What is it about the female presence in a situation such as this that seems to drive this mommy help me behavior?
You’d think the opposite would be the case – the macho man who can fix anything arh, arh, arrrh behavior.

But it just isn’t so in the office environment.

I am by no means saying ALL guys are like this, but the majority of the ones I work with certainly are. Just seems odd.

And it got my gears turning, hence this post.



  • Hehe - that's funny. It's soooo true though. I can't think of anything smart or funny to say so I'm just gonna go eat. Did you get my e-mail and the pics?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 AM  

  • But how come when the water bottle needs to be filled it's the GUY'S that are called upon?? Or when something breaks, or like last week water started leaking from somwhere on the floor and I get called (by a group of women) to fix the problem. Do I have plumber written on my back? Is my ass crack showing? I don't think so. So I think even though we say there is no gender boundaries, obviously there are some - on both sides.

    By Blogger Jeff Skybar, at 6:55 AM  

  • lolol J - I am the one more often than not that changes the jugs on teh water cooler. Or the receptionist.
    They're not very heavy - it's all in the way you lift doncha know.

    Gender aside - it's in the way one ASKS for help that makes the difference.
    Grunting and whining rarely gets the old generosity muscles geared up.
    A please or thank you would surely produce a better response.
    Maybe it's just me though...

    By Blogger Comfortable Chaos, at 8:29 AM  

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