Seasoning Salt


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September Rain

I finally have a few minutes for a quick update.

I’ve been so effen busy with juggling work projects between offices that I haven’t had time to climb out from under mounds of paper, laptop computer cables, cell phones, and information manuals until just now.

So…what’s new?
Hmm, well in significant news, I have been talking and spending time with my ex over the last few weeks, and we have jointly decided to give our relationship another go.
But to be clear, it’s more like starting over…all the way back to dating and learning each other all over again. No pressure, no expectations, and lots of open communication.
We’re planning on giving it a few months, and then re-evaluating our desire to go further.

This should be interesting.

For those that are in the know, I am referring to Sandy. For those of you not in the loop, Sandy and I were in a relationship for 6 ½ years, and we broke up in August of 2005.
Due to many reasons really…after being with someone for that long, there is never really one specific reason for dissolution, but rather a big complicated mess of reasons.
They all add up and eventually lead to complete breakdown if they aren’t dealt along the way.

We’ve had a significant amount of time apart from each other, and have both grown a lot as individuals. I can’t speak for her, but I know I have grown in leaps and bounds this past year…I am nowhere close to who I was during our relationship or at the end of it.

My values have changed.
May attitude has changed.
My perspectives on life have changed.

In short, I have grown up.

And who knows…perhaps our time apart to get reacquainted with ourselves as individuals was necessary for future growth/compatibility in our relationship.
I suppose time will tell.

All in all, I am pretty happy that our paths have crossed again, and that we can appreciate and respect each other with new eyes.

We’ll take it slow for now. Light, casual, and with boundaries relating to our individual wants and needs.
If it works out, great. If not, well then I guess we’ll finally both know for sure, and will be able to part with no regrets.

In other news, not a whole lot is going on in my universe besides work, as I mentioned.

September 11th was this past Monday, and I found that the media coverage was bordering on unbearable.

Like how many times should they show the towers fall and the carnage that followed? It’s numbing to watch that over and over on almost every channel.
I would have liked to see a different approach to the programming that day…but I understand that North American media is ruled by the government, and they probably thought that airing the images of disaster on repeat would rally the patriotic to join the army.

The enlistment numbers are falling by the day, and they know that we are finally beginning to question the validity of the “war on terror”.

Nothing like a little visual reminder to reduce apathy and get people back in the fighting spirit.

Gimme a freakin break.

Anybody who DOESN’T question the attacks on 9/11 with all of the information that has come to light over the past few years is living under a rock.

It all comes down to the New World Order, financial control, and the agenda for one superpower controlling the entire free world - remember Rome?

The war in Iraq has been called the hundred year war, even by those in power!
Obvs, there are no plans to “re-build” Iraq and then promptly get outta dodge.
This war will encompass decades and decimate generations.

Why yes Uncle Sam, where can I sign up?


Anyways, I could go on for hours about this, so I’ll end it there for now.
May the people killed on that day rest in peace.

Uuuummm…what else?

Oh! Lots of new CD releases this month so far – I highly recommend:

John Mayer – Continuum
Pete Yorn – Night Crawler
The Dears – Gang Of Losers
The Twilight Singers – Powder burns
And yes, I can’t believe I’m saying it, but Justin Timberlake – Future/Sex/Love/Sounds. Very tight beats, almost every song is great…reminds me a lot of Prince.

I’ve picked up all of these albums so far this month and am in love with every single one of them.
Next time you’re surfing for music or at the record store, give ‘em a spin and see what you think.

I’m sure there’s more to write about, but I can’t think of anything at the moment.
Guess I’ll get back to work.



  • Thanks for the cheering squad Jeff.
    I missed Sandy too. Something in my mind and heart just always felt like she was the right piece for me...

    By Blogger Comfortable Chaos, at 6:10 PM  

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